Jamstack Development


Until recently website developers had two options, one was to create a static HTML website or create a website which would interact with a database to get the latest content and images. Both the choices have their pros and cons:


If you choose to develop a HTML website:


  • Lesser hardware requirements and potentially your website can be hosted directly on CDN, Which means that the website load time will be low compared to a database based website. 
  • Low cost since you will not need a beefy server
  • Potentially better page speed score
  • Lesser maintenance
  • Shorter development time
  • It will be difficult to edit content or images because the website owner should be able to write and understand HTML/CSS.
  • Form submission will be an issue. 


If you choose a CMS based website then:


  • You don’t need to be a developer to edit content.
  • Greater hardware requirement since you have a database to interact with.
  • Higher maintenance since you need to upgrade the CMS and its plugins
  • Security – This is a major point because most CMS and framework follow a typical pattern which makes it relatively easier for a hacker to exploit a known vulnerability.
  • Higher cost of maintenance 


A few smart beings realised that we could create a cross of these two to provide a better solution to their clients. It was just two years ago that the term “Jamstack” was described as the way of approaching website development or deployment.


Important components of JAMSTACK:


  • A static site generator like Gatsby or hugo
  • GIT for CI/CD
  • CMS – preferably a headless CMS like Strapi but one could use their existing CMS.
  • CDN like Netlify or AWS cloudfront. We prefer using netlify since it also helps in handling form submission and analytics.


We have recently developed a website that scored 100/100 on google page speed score(desktop).


J is for Javascript, A is for the APIs, and M is for the Markup. 


Javascript handles the dynamic elements of the page and user-experience as well. APIs allow calling content experiences by Javascript as and when required. Markup is different for websites that are most current and also distinct for various applications. Markup is short for HTML. Stack in Jamstack refers to varied ways in which these technologies are brought together to provide great user-experience to the end-users. It is similar to the traditional stacks, such as the Microsoft Stack and the Lamp Stack.


The benefits of Jamstack


Jamstack offers several advantages due to which it is very popular in the industry. Let us know a few of them.


  • Stability – While using an old platform, you must have noticed that it occasionally​ slows down. When you have to maintain legacy applications, such a platform takes a lot of time. This is usually the case when the code is inherited from someone else. Jamstack has an underlying nature of the Jamstack approach that the end-users can access static HTML. Third-party APIs are needed to drive in dynamic features, but API downtime cannot cause any issues to your website when they are managed adequately.


  • Speed – With Jamstack, a combination of pre-rendered, HTML, and CDNs are used which makes your website blazingly fast. The likeness of Amazon, Google, and eBay has shown impacts of incremental, small improvements in websites speed when a user engages or on conversion. Page speed is a ranking factor for search queries. Hence, for good SEO, page speed is an essential ranking factor. You will have to pay attention that you don’t bloat your website with external Javascript that are quite heavy and huge. Jamstack will keep your website fast. The approach of Jamstack will enhance the speed of your website.


  • Security – The component that helps in the runtime of database-driven websites and​ applications, a connection is necessary for a database and webserver so that the data is accessed to construct the web page requested by a user. The connection is referred to as a weak point when it comes to the security of a website. But, when it comes to a Jamstack website, it is static HTML. Server and database are not required. Even a hacker may avoid DDOS attacks because they would need to take on the might of CDN and not one puny little server.


  • Scalability – Competing with the delivery mechanism of Jamstack is tough when scalability is concerned. Since the website delivery is through a CDN, the cost involved in scaling a Jamstack website or an application from a Jamstack Development Company is comparatively less. Since there are more moving parts in a database driven website, it will be difficult to scale.


  • Serviceability – Serviceability refers to the degree to which the servicing of an item is​ accomplished. This is usually done with the help of given resources and the specified period. The maker’s experience is a crucial component of the ongoing success of the application or a website. This group of people covers developers, designers, digital marketers, content editors, and everyone else involved in the management and creation of digital experiences for the users. 


Jamstack has picked up momentum and is being adopted by developers. It is already business-ready and should be considered for the upcoming projects. It can be a great fit if your website needs speed and security.


We work with the latest tools & technologies available at our disposal to deliver solutions that fit the needs of our clients. We have been working with Jamstack for some time now and can guarantee a rich user experience with high engagement in the applications we design & develop for our clients. Our Process for development:

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Userflow and Wireframing
  • UI Design
  • Frontend development and CMS API Integration
  • Deployment


Our development center is in India and we also have a project manager based out of London, UK. We work on a project basis or you can hire an experienced dedicated developer from our team.